Take the survey – English / Encuesta – Español / 调查–中文

Who are we?

Welcome to the NYC Parents Speak Out project. We are the Urban Education Research Collective, a team of researchers at the Graduate Center, City University of New York’s PhD programs in Urban Education and Sociology who are parents, teachers, school leaders, community organizers, and activists dedicated to social and racial justice. 

We launched a study because we value families’ perspectives and their insights regarding their experience in education and schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic amidst the increased attention on racial injustice and systemic racism. Round 1 of the survey was conducted in the Spring of 2021. Below is the second of the survey launching in February 2022.

The video below explains how to take the survey. It’s important that we hear from YOU. Please add your own statements, and feelings about the topic so that other participants can weigh in. You can take the survey and revisit to respond to new statements at a future time. In addition, if you’d like to participate in a short interview with the researchers, enter your email in the box below.